Tuesday 04 March 2025

:University of Science and Culture President

Sending the first group of faculty members and students to Austria

USC PR: The first group of faculty members and students was sent to Austria to attend the specialized tourism course

Dr.Hashemi announced: to maximize the quality and benefit of modern-day knowledge, abilities, capacities, and experiences of foreign universities, the first group of faculty members and Ph.D.students in tourism and hospitality majors were sent to Austria.

President of USC also added: Study opportunities, scholarships, and educational field trips for faculty members and doctoral students have great importance in our long term educational planning. Thus, based on our Memorandum of Understanding and partnership agreement with IMC University, on Saturday, November 2nd the first group of tourism and hospitality faculty members and students were delegated to Austria.

Dr. Hashemi emphasized: We also have plans to hold effective specialized courses for art, architecture, engineering and humanities majors in other countries such as Austria, France, Germany, and Malaysia. The preparations for these plans have been finalized and their implementation is in progress.