Tuesday 14 May 2024

International Research Collaboration Between USC and UCSI In Malaysia

In accordance with a collaborative agreement between UCSI University in Malaysia and the University of Science and Culture, Dr. Parvaneh Qasemian, a faculty member of the Faculty of Arts and Architecture, will be participating as a research collaborator in a joint research project titled "The Influence of National Symbols on Wall Arts through International Diversity Among UCSI Malaysia Students."

According to the International Cooperation Office of the University of Science and Culture, Dr. Reza Ma'eer Tarouki, the head of the Department of Creative Arts and Design at UCSI University, will serve as the principal investigator for this international project. Additionally, a team of seven international experts from Malaysia, Iran, and Australia will contribute to this project.

It is worth noting that this agreement has been established for a duration of two years and was recently signed by Dr. Reza Moayer Toaroghi and Dr. Lionel In Lian Aun, the Director of the UCSI University's Entrepreneurship and Innovation Center.