Tuesday 17 September 2024

International Cooperation Office of the University of Science and Culture and DUT, China Offer:

Study Opportunity at Dalian University of Technology, China for Elite Graduate Students of the University of Science and Culture

Coverage of All Costs Related to the Program, Travel (excluding visa), Accommodation, and a Scholarship Provided by Dalian University of Technology, China

Program Topics:

  • Intelligent control systems for large, high-energy-consuming complexes
  • Big data analysis and online control of complex nonlinear energy systems
  • Development of methods to ensure data quality for multi-level energy and environmental IoT systems

General Requirements:

  • Applicants must be enrolled in graduate programs
  • Successful completion of an interview
  • Proficiency in English
  • Submission of an international paper at the end of the program


  • 2 students

Program Duration:

  • Three months

Application Deadline:

  • August 10, 2024

Required Documents:

  • Send academic and research CV and documentation to International@usc.ac.ir